Believe it or not, Plexus is only a PART of a healthy lifestyle…
it was never meant to REPLACE a healthy lifestyle. 😎
When you are thinking about all the factors of what it takes to stay healthy, let me give you 5 tips!!
1. WATER!!
💦We can never stress this one enough! A healthy requirement for any healthy body is at least half your weight in ounces of water EVERY DAY! Example: if you weigh 200lbs, you will have a goal to drink 100oz of water every day! All our systems rely on water to keep things moving! Especially in eliminating waste! Our products are excellent in breaking down toxins so we want to make sure they leave quickly!! 🙌🏼
🌱🍓🥦🍎 This one often trips people up! We get hung up on sooo many different “diets” and end up defeated, discouraged, and often gain all the weight back if not more! Please hear this: FOOD IS OUR FRIEND! 😜❤️ We just often don’t understand how to see it correctly!
Try this👉🏼 Eat more lean proteins (turkey pepperoni, chicken, eggs/egg whites), 💪🏼less carbs…but still eat them (sweet potatoes, VEGGIES, some fruit), and 🥑healthy fats (almonds, avocado, avocado oils, grass fed butter)! 🤔If you tend to get seconds, try only one helping. It may take some getting used to, but TRY IT!! OH…and cut sugar as much as you can. It really is indeed bad for you. 😜
🏋🏻♀️🏊🏼♂️🧘🏼♀️🚴🏼♂️🏃🏻♀️ Please don’t hear me say “you need to run a marathon or do CrossFit” though I personally love both. 😉Lol But the TAKE HOME POINT here is..MOVE MORE!! Losing weight is mostly in the kitchen but if you can get your heart rate up 30 minutes a day, you are on your way!! May I suggest one more thing…grow your muscle!! That may be lunges, squats, light weights, whatever! The more muscle you can gain, 💪🏼🏋🏻♀️the more fat you burn while doing NOTHING!!😎
4. SLEEP!!
😴 This is one often forgotten about because our culture is so driven by achievement and productivity! We celebrate what we can produce! 😬But we often forget that ancient teaching sits on working from our REST! 😊Try it! Try getting a full 8 hours and see how much more productive you can be! While we sleep, our systems reset and reboot. If we don’t allow for that, our systems CRASH! It helps support healthy brain function and maintain physical health! This is why sleep can often be your bodies best medicine when fighting an illness!😁
👊🏼💊 This was the missing puzzle piece I never truly understood. When our soil and food is more and more depeleted of the proper nutrients our body needs, a powerful supplement can be all you need to complete the puzzle of health!!🙌🏼 This is where Plexus comes in. We truly believe that our products fill in all the gaps we have in our health needs after the above 4 are addressed. 👉🏼OFTEN, when you restore balance through our products addressing gut health, inflammation and blood sugar issues, people find that the above 4 are MUCH easier and more realistic to achieve!! Thus HEALTH IS RESTORED and you are well on your way to sustainable health and happiness for years to come!!😎💪🏼🙌🏼❤️
One last tip: failure is eminent if you tackle ALL 5 at one time! So just focus on one or two that you KNOW you can manage and SUCCEED in!!💪🏼❤️💪🏼❤️ Once you master that, you can add a new one!